Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Scavenger's Curved Sword

and the first attack of their combos that's faster too. The curved sword was one of the best weapon types in the game and they've made it so much better in this patch, so for what the Scavenger's Curved Sword generally does which is status building, they are now better at

No. 5 - Scavenger's Curved Sword

Much like the Nagakiba, Scavenger's Curved Sword serves as Elden Ring Items a status-building Duo. You can run these with so many different Ashes of War, so many different statuses, and so many different purposes. Ultimately they are really quick attacking weapons, they have bleed as a base on them, the move set is incredible. Compared to say faster weapons like daggers, they have a bit of reach to them at least. As they are curved swords much like Wing of Astel, they've got improved running attack speed and recovery time, and the first attack of their combos that's faster too. The curved sword was one of the best weapon types in the game and they've made it so much better in this patch, so for what the Scavenger's Curved Sword generally does which is status building, they are now better at that.

No. 4 - Greatsword

Much like the Giant-Crusher in 1.09, colossal swords' scalings have been improved across the board. But Greatsword was already an S scaling strength weapon, so there's that much like the Nagakiba though. It's a versatile utility weapon. You can run this weapon in so many ways putting people to sleep, running say Giant-Crusher, running Lion's Claw trading. Over the last few patches, big weapons like this do much better Poise damage to their stagger machine, this weapon, in particular, has very wide circular swings so they're great for AOE and catching people at the range the Crouch poke for Colossal Souls that was nerfed so hard and the previous patch was actually made better, so it's actually viable and usable again in PvP. You can buff this weapon with greases or weapon Buffs to make it even stronger for different purposes, you can run two of them in power stance and do jump attack builds, even though that damage was nerfed in PvP it's still outrageous frankly.

No. 3 - Dark Moon Greatsword

In the 1.09 patch, this weapon type has been buffed, they've improved the speed and range of various attacks as well as recovery time to allow it to combo. Playing around with the Dark Moon today in PvP, we could feel it on the basics, they just feel a little bit quicker and they catch people just a little bit further and that really makes a difference for trading. Now as a weapon, there's not much to say about it, you buff up and now you go to town with what should really cost FP but doesn't, the stamina-consuming wide Arc magical attacks which you can charge to deal extra damage with charge attacks. This is a weapon that is basically the source of the highest in single-hit ranged weapon attack, it's like a mini-range Giant-Crusher. Baseline this weapon type is really good, the frost buildup on this weapon is good, the damage it can do with the magic is good and then it has one of the best heavy-ranged attack things in the entire game. There are many ways to build this and all of them are going to be really powerful.

No. 2 - Reduvia

Daggers in 1.08 were made absolutely outrageous, they're faster and have better range better recovery, and in this weapon's particular case - it builds up bleed like no other weapon can attacking so fast in power stance that you're building up to 30k damage in seconds. Its Ash of war was also improved to have damage detection on the weapon part, so if you use it at Point Blank, it'll be as a shotgun Blaster bleed and at the medium range, you just get a nice bit of bleed damage to help with the lacking range of daggers. In general, there is a universal Ash of War called Blood Blade that does the same thing but it costs Health to use, for Reduvia doesn't for some reason. Also, comparatively the claws and the fist weapon types which are similar to the dagger type were Nerf dispatched, claws got a bit of attack power improvements but otherwise, they were nerfed across the board, and yet daggers which we think are the best ones were untouched. Reduvia is easily one of the best weapons in the game, it's easily one of the best if not the best source of best place to buy elden ring items bleed in the game, and it's also the best Arcane weapon.

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