Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Enir-Ilim Location and How to Access It

you'll find the Sealing Tree behind her boss arena. Use Messmer's Kindling to burn the Sealing Tree, triggering a cutscene that transports you to Enir-Ilim.

Enir-Ilim Location and How to Access It
To reach Enir-Ilim, you'll need to progress through a significant portion of the DLC. After defeating Messmer the Impaler in Shadow Keep, make your way to the Rauh Ruins, where you'll face Romina, Saint of the Bud, at the Church of the Bud. Once Romina is defeated, you'll find the Sealing Tree behind her boss arena. Use Messmer's Kindling to Elden Ring Items burn the Sealing Tree, triggering a cutscene that transports you to Enir-Ilim.

Exploring Enir-Ilim: Sites of Grace and Key Items
When you arrive in Enir-Ilim, you'll start at the Enir-Ilim: Outer Wall Site of Grace. Head up the stairs and take a right to reach the Divine Bird Warrior, who will be patrolling the area. Continue up the stairs on your left to reach the First Rise Site of Grace.

From here, explore the area by taking the curved staircases up to a higher level, where you can find a Somber Smithing Stone. While there is a lift that leads back to Belurat, there’s nothing to do there at this stage, so instead, head west and climb the stairs to reach a courtyard filled with Shamans. In this area, you'll find a Revered Spirit Ash and a Rune Arc hidden behind a door in the corner.

To proceed, drop off the ledge into the courtyard below, clear out the Shamans, and grab the Revered Spirit Ash from the large tree surrounded by Man-Flies. Next, ascend the eastern stairs and follow them around to the left. Here, you'll reach the top of a large tree. Follow the branches to best place to buy elden ring items collect the Spira Incantation before dropping off the ledge.

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