A significant portion of the player base is in fact

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The truth is that no one has had the WOW TBC Gold opportunity to swap with all their characters they spend hours and hours on, but if the queue times would be so much of a win, they would have done it.

And the argument against server transfers is also valid in the case of switching sides. You can't tell if there is enough people to support long-term raiding or another content. While there may be a faster wait time, you won't be able of filling each kara with a few months. Even if you're on the same server the two sides are completely different in growth as well as player attitude. What could help if servers were not able to solve the same issues (queue times)?

Furthermore "I would like to play with my buddies" is an excellent argument because again the problem is not with the server's population at the moment which is mainly affecting open world pvp. It's more the battleground population balance and the desire to be part of those. This is particularly problematic since each region is balanced overall as well as within a battlegroup of its ownbattlegroup, yet is experiencing queue times that are four times more than the entire alliance.

It's an untruth. The initial Blizzard developers admitted that not fixing the imbalance in racial attitudes was a mistake, even before that Every Man For Himself impressively proved this and today's situation is the direct consequence of this, which everyone particularly Horde players - have seen being viewed from miles away. The only people who don't focus on racial differences are players who play casual pve on PVE servers.

It's hard to believe, as only in pvp servers, the balance is heavily skewed towards horde across all regions. Blood elves count as 1. "pretty" 2. Horde, in which you don't need to fight on racials. have better racials for PVP over Draenei or their Alliance counterpart. Ofc people will play them. They were invented to tilt the population in the direction of horde.

No racials these days are not really relevant unless you're super min maxing to gain a 0.5% advantage. He's probably referencing the fact allies feel that they're constantly shafted in the legends (taking more losses than Horde and the like).

A significant portion of the player base is in fact horde as that's the case for the most of the major guilds that raid (unless you're oceanic, which is the reverse).

Meta > Friends > Lore. There are many excuses they like for the faction they pick, however when you arrive at what you actually have to say at the top , it's because players were following the meta, while one faction was usually superior in buy WOW Burning Crusade Classic Gold PvP. They should have disabled race-based skills for the factions that play PvP prior to when the game was released to ensure that the imbalance wouldn't been as dire.