Runescape associated memes have business on this sub than level articles that are 99/maxing

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Quit deleting the memes that make this sub bearable. By enabling 99 skill articles to the cliche and deleting those, let alone on double xp weekend, then you're just enforcing the stuff that is wrong. People today love 2007 Runescape for RuneScape gold its memes. They allow people be creative they enjoy. With this particular sub memes are censored therefore the only posts that make to watch the light of day are criticism articles and the horrible skilling articles that everyone thinks is an achievement. Please stop deleting memes. In so doing you censoring the creative side of this sub and are deleting my happiness.

The subreddit moderators have this mindset in which all template posts shouldn't be allowed on this subreddit and are thought to be low-effort. Even though it is not one of the primary rules, it falls under guidelines. The subreddit moderators have this mindset where all template articles should not be allowed with this subreddit and are thought to be low-effort. Even though it is not just one of the rules, it merely falls under additional guidelines. I've tried arguing against them on a number of times but they refuse to provide ground on the issue to ANY. They will not give guidelines.

Posts that use photoshop to alter an image/meme template are not allowed yet 1 paragraph text posts are. They will occasionally not even cite a rule when they decide to remove a post, and almost never when the auto-moderator does. Their mentality is that they don't want this subreddit to develop into a sub Runescape. This mindset has some truth since low-effort articles can dominate a subreddit due to reddit's algorithm thus preventing higher effort/text articles from ever emerging. The issue is they think a meme template irrespective of circumstance, or modifications made for this, is low work.

All they need to do is allow template posts which are modified to a degree that is significant. Clearly specify what qualifies. And restrict the flow of low effort posts when they're over-excessive. This could be accomplished by giving a warning via a thread, when articles are eliminated, and speaking to it. It truly feels like since Adam left their team, they've lost their individuality. Proof of this can be seen by just looking at the posts on this particular subreddit and seeing how many of them would be removed via this staff today, if they were submitted.

It's interesting looking at the article introducing new mods and seeing because. And I expect I could provide some insight, although I really don't want this to become an article. However, this is not unbiased, despite my best efforts, so keep that in mind. I've been a part of the Runescape community for more than 8 years, can recall the sub hitting 10,000 consumers,'ve met others in the sub and formed friendships with several different members, yadda yadday'all are my family and so forth.

Within that interval I combined Discord host, FC and the clan; of which I hold some kind of moderation position in, all three. This is not meant to provide perspective from where I'm coming from, although to be a bragging point. Anyone who has dealt with me I am acting within my capacity as a moderator will understand I'm incredibly (occasionally also? Moderation is not moderation that is superior. Anyway when new moderator programs were posted in 2016(?) I sent mine, I had a connection with several current mods already, was very active within the neighborhood, and genuinely wished to make the community better. I was not selected clearly, but stricter people were (that is another story).

My suspicion is that the mod team prefers individuals to clamp down in the moment and deal with people fallout after or they have internal directions along the lines of cheap RS gold zero tolerance policies, disallowing judgement calls (wait are we talking about cops or subreddit mods?). FWIW my opinion on memes is as follows: when the posrt is really a meme requiring the title to function it could be safely eliminated whether it can stand with no title it must stay alone on its own.