These mistakes are not acceptable

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Animations - NBA 2K games have solid gameplay. It's fun but also difficult if you choose the difficulty levels correctly. 2K has been affected by glitches and broken animations for 2K22 MT many years. Broken animations are a problem that has caused problems for 2K for over three decades. It can be very irritating.

The majority of the problems occur at the defensive end of the floor. Stealing is not a good option when playing NBA 2K. There is chances that the ball can become unnoticeable. After the ball is hidden there is no way to steal the ball from the AI. It is a cause for unfairness as these issues do not affect the computer-controlled teams.

These mistakes are not acceptable and I'd like see 2K Sports developers take the time to correct these errors. I'm confident that these mistakes will be corrected and improve the level of play.

Shot Contests The Shot Contests NBA 2K20 introduced a completely new shot contest system based on different criteria than the previous years. The previous year's contest shot system was one that was dominated by the attacker. It was difficult for Buy NBA 2K22 MT defense to stop the attacker. The current contest system relies on the defender's close proximity to the attacker.

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