Pardo and Kaplan came from EverQuest

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I used to chat with Hazzikostas regularly in Vanilla. We played on exactly the same server. He was among the most friendly and intelligent gamers I've ever met. I can't fathom that he is genuinely incompetent. There is just no way. He came to TBC Classic Gold the gaming sector via guild management just like Pardo and Kaplan.

This is what I remember . He was one of the posters who persuaded me to not get involved and donate something to EJ - like a lurker and utilize other people's mathematics to my advantage. He had been a prick and he is a prick now.

Pardo and Kaplan came from EverQuest. They never developed for the match they played, they moved from EQ to WoW. It could just be coincidence, but I wonder if it is related. WoW's current state could be his attempt to mend all of the issues he had with early WoW for a raider, which caters to his specific expertise and tastes, which could just flat out not function in an present game. It means he's molded it to exactly what he wants, which entailed cutting off chunks and stitching on brand new ones to attempt to get it to fit.

But in the case of Pardo and Kaplan, they had been designing a fresh new game. They were able to take all their encounters out of EQ forward and apply thembut they weren't hacking apart an present game. Perhaps if they had been hired to buy WOW Classic TBC Gold operate on EverQuest, it might have had similarly disastrous results.

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