Mmoexp Elden Ring Items: Avoiding Frostbite and Hemorrhage

The mist can significantly impair visibility and speed, so staying near walls or obstacles can limit its ability to trap you in the mist's range.

2. Avoiding Frostbite and Hemorrhage
Frost Mist and Briars of Sin:

When Alberich uses his Frost Mist or Briars of Sin, you can retreat to the corners of the room to avoid getting overwhelmed by the effects. The mist can significantly impair visibility and speed, so staying near walls or obstacles can limit its ability to Elden Ring Items trap you in the mist's range.

Use walls to block the line of sight from his frost projectiles, which can slow you down if they hit.

Hemorrhage Buildup:

The environment can also help you dodge combos that cause Hemorrhage. Make use of pillars or large furniture pieces to block Alberich’s melee reach and allow yourself a safe space to recover health if you're bleeding.

Keep moving in circles around the environment—this makes it harder for Alberich to land chain attacks.

3. Baiting Attacks with Obstacles
Use Obstructions:

Alberich has some long-range frost and scythe attacks. If you’re close to obstacles (like the railings or pillars), try to move in and out of their line of sight to bait them into attacking them instead of you. This will allow you to time your dodges more effectively.

Stay on the Move:

Since Alberich’s attacks are often wide, staying close to elden ring items buy online obstacles means you can duck behind them after dodging to reset your position. You can then attack him from the blind spot while he struggles to get around objects.