Escape From Tarkov Items put together a handy guide to customs

Escape From Tarkov Items put together a handy guide to customs

There are several things than this tactical FPS spawning for the first time to the new map, and trying to figure out how to escape from the more scary Tarkov / customs. When you double-click O key to bring up your extraction options, you will be faced with a short list of potential exit points, so it really pays to know everyone is so you do not strayed into the map, the busiest part SCAV spawning, or it may be the boss, Reshala.

Guide you to eliminate these hazards, and hope to help you improve your knowledge of the map, we have Escape From Tarkov Items put together a handy guide to customs fled map Tarkov, including all of the extraction point, spawning, spawning boss keypad.

Learn Customs spawning map is very important because it will inform you of the decision-making directly; you want to go fishing in the nearby PMC spawning snatch, grab the loot points, or trying to quickly track down the owner?

Spawning divided into two zones, Buy EFT Items customs warehouse in the west and the east. You extraction point is determined by you, you will always spawn at the other side of the map. This means that when you move on the map, you will work with those who are around you, and gave birth to a title directly opposite parallel - is quite difficult to avoid the crossfire.

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