The March replace marks the cease of Rocket League guide for Linux

The March replace marks the cease of Rocket League guide for Linux

Unfortunately, the March replace marks the cease of Buy Rocket League Credits Rocket League guide for Linux and Mac systems. The cutoff to Mac and Linux support was announced lower back in January, with Psyonix even going as a long way as to provide refunds to gamers on each systems, but this update marks the actual, authentic give up of latest content for Rocket League on both Mac and Linux.

Even so, Psyonix has long gone as far as to update their records on any similarly refunds for the game on either front. Players can nevertheless request a refund for Rocket League thru Steam on Mac and Linux up until June 10, 2020, which seems like quite a beneficiant window of time.

With the March update losing shortly, Psyonix has announced nevertheless that new blueprints and similarly content material for the store is coming quickly and could be revealed after the replace is stay subsequent week.

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