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I was simply curious and runescape 2007 gold would appreciate your suggestions. I was thinking of a "healer" for the clan. This job is very costly, but it's amazing. How would this work? H, the healer, would be found on the Lunar spellbook with 92 magic.

He'll add Protect/Deflect melee to his character and then heal all his team members. He'll heal, and then brew. Simple, huh? I was thinking about what could be the reason I haven't met this kind of person, and if so, what flaw is preventing them from being available? I doubt that this is soo unique.

I have noticed that many people have trouble getting good dungeoneering skills, so I decided I would make this guide. This is primarily for f2p, so certain things might not apply to p2p. This is a brief overview I'm a dungeoneer with 44 skills. Take into consideration that I'm 117 in f2p combat, so fighting on the f2p side is much easier.

First, let's dispel some common misconceptions. It's not necessary to have armor to kill all bosses. The food you gain by clearing levels is enough. Bonus rooms can give you a lot of exp, however, it's worth the effort and time it saves you. The benefits of team play are only realized in the event that each player is aware of what he's doing, you divide the tasks by splitting them up when you're +/- 1 dungeoneering level of eachother or if you're the identical level. Small rooms are the fastest exp when solo/duoing.

Now a couple of handy hints: Don't get cocky and do stock up on food to help you get through the floors earlier. just a few pieces are enough. Make sure to get everything that is higher than dusk. Begin by selling any guns that aren't needed and then buying: A Hammer; tinderbox; fly fishing rods and feathers; and an hatchet. Complexity is always a good thing. Prestigious: In the future it is useful to understand what prestige is, how to use it and more. How to achieve it. (NOTE This is not worth the time to cheap RuneScape gold do this too in the beginning.

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