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MyPlayer has only seen some improvement over the last few years. The MyCourt is currently used for mt 2k22 HORSE. The MyCourt was the best place for players who wanted to end rivalries. The MyCourt would permit two players to compete in a one-on-one game, with the winner getting bragging rights.

It's becoming more popular for players to play on the stage, and play against virtual currency during these matches. The goal of the MyCourt isn't clear. I am intrigued by the thought of the MyCourt becoming a venue for Pro-Am teams to practice or chill out. Pro-Am is a crucial component of 2K and has grown more important since the advent of eSports. MyCourt might be a good place for teams to play games and discuss chemistry concerns.

MyPlayers Creation Menu - There are very few options for creating the player's creation menu. There are only a few options to change things like the skin tone, eye shape and lips. I'd like to add more options to the creation tool; I want my character to look unique in comparison to other characters. Female MyPlayers – The WNBA got into NBA 2K last season, and it was successful. It was refreshing to play against totally different teams. The success of the WNBA is the basis for my next suggestion.

It's probably possible to design an MyPlayer female player with their own story in Career mode. It would be fascinating to see 2K Sports write a story in which a female college basketball player makes a splash and enters the WNBA. The addition of another MyCareer story will keep the game in the spotlight for longer time as there is more content to play through to the viewers. 2K Sports could use this model to enhance their storytelling. 2K Sports tend to be in a hurry with their story and key themes. A WNBA story can explore many ideas , without being overly condescending or preachy.

It is possible to tell a tale of a female athlete fighting challenges without appearing corny or inauthentic. It is a popular story that buy Nba 2k22 Mt female athletes tell. Animations - The gameplay is solid in NBA 2K games.

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