The most important job of Jagex

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The most significant harm I believe could be caused to the integrity of Jagex. While it could increase the fun, some players might consider it to RuneScape Mobile gold be being indecisive or lying to bring back the wilderness. From a business perspective, it would indicate that those who leave and become angry aren't as successful and would possibly help in the long-term growth of the player-base.

Although this won't solve all of the botting issues of free players (as well as doing nothing for the players) I believe it has gotten to the point where a significant action like this would be needed to stop the RWTers and make freeplay the game that I knew. Jagex will keep working against bot makers. They must be able to show progress and provide updates.

The most important job of Jagex is to rebuild confidence among its players. Jagex must show that it can run the game. At the moment it appears that it is totally out of their control. This is my favorite game. However, I cannot say that it's not the one that I am most close to quitting. I am grateful for your time and attention to my rants as a teenager at night.

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