In the preceding scenario, based on the circumstances

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Jagex is trying to make you spend cash to get RS gold where you want to go. Jagex has taken micro-transactions in the game to an advantage. In the future, Jagex will make you pay for chats, free your city from slavery and finish the tasks. This is a huge improvement. Without JCredits, the game is extremely boring."

Jagex did not respond to feedback from users professionally, which I believe is a major issue. This is why I will take an example from my personal life to illustrate the issue. Imagine waking up at a reasonable time in the morning. After you get up, you will switch on the lights. You're used to darkness rather than light, which is why you'll partially close your eyes and let through just the amount of light you can handle. As you get used to the light, you'll slowly let your eyes open more, until you can completely take in all the light that the lamp emits on you.

Imagine it as a sunny, sunny day. Once you come outside, you will again be blinded by the sun. You can again partially close your eyes and remain as it is or wear sunglasses. Whatever you choose to do, you will always block some of the light shining in your eyes.

In the preceding scenario, based on the circumstances, your eyes may be closed or open. The amount of available light will determine the amount of light you block. This concept that I refer to as dynamic filtering, is readily comprehended in every aspect of our lives.

The issue I have with some communities today is that they develop an policy or "filter" in accordance with the current situation and stick to it for a long period of time. This is due to the fact that the circumstances change rapidly and the community leaders are not able to adapt their policies to accommodate the new circumstances.

In the case of Jagex they've formulated an user-friendly policy and adhered to it, and (as as a consequence of this policy) the amount of users and feedback increases enormously. Jagex can be compared to opening one's eyes but not closing the other when a great deal of light strikes them. They are unable to cheap OSRS gold review feedback efficiently and comply with wishes.