My favourite mutators are the low-gravity Moonball mode

My favourite mutators are the low-gravity Moonball mode

My favourite mutators are the low-gravity Moonball mode, which lets you fly throughout the map with some faucets of the increase, and any mode with a massive ball. The massive ball is incredible, as it gives each person a danger to RL Items do aerials and make epic saves, regularly all of sudden in a mid-air pushing contest.

They're no longer all a laugh—I do not love Time Warp, which makes the whole lot pass sluggish-mo whenever someone hits the ball, and simply feels disorienting—however all of them have the effect of taking the pressure off for a few low-stakes matches in among the competitive stuff. And maybe positive settings will be taken extra significantly in time, the manner I handiest play Unreal Tournament 2K4 with Instagib.

In custom matches, there may be masses to test with. You could play a fit, for example, with low gravity, a tremendous ball, friendly fire (teammates can demolish every other), limitless boost, and no reset after goals. I've dropped a screenshot of the options in underneath.

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