This sort of raid was possible

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It looks like a single player in EVE Echoes Items has nabbed over $60,000 worth of things.

Going by the name Sulley, this was not some easy work. According to PC Gamer, Sulley spent a complete month coordinating a"marauding marathon" that included the destruction of 32 player-owned stations. These channels had been nested in Hisec.Many of those stations had several things of significance, as is to be expected. This channel was possessed by players called Future Tech Industries. Apparently, this directed the crew to a historical loot of 4 bucks ISK worth in items. This converts to roughly $60,000.

This sort of raid was possible due to some recent developments made to EVE Online by developer CCP with respect to the mechanics of player-built distance stations. You may read up on the details of the events .

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