I've had a very interesting start up here

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Since joining CCP, the global situation has escalated around us, that has definitely influenced Aurora's ability to EVE Echoes ISK have a typical on-boarding stage with her new company.

"I've had a very interesting start up here," Jessica says. "I worked at the office for approximately four times, before we were sent home on account of this global situation. Which means I've not worked from home about twice as long as I'd spent in the actual office, that was already half empty when I came. So it has been a really interesting way to begin a new job in a new firm. Nevertheless, they've been doing a really fantastic job onboarding me."

As far as Jessica's in-game character, she is a renowned leader in EVE Online, having begun playing in 2006. Since they she says she's done a little bit of everything, from starting off in a Highsec company to leading fleets from the Fountain War in 2013 for her Nullsec corp.. More recently she's been known to help newer players in Brave, teaching gamers how to Cheap EVE Mobile ISK get started in EVE within her Alliance - which obviously helps with general player retention too.

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