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I believe based on your comment that we are likely to fundamentally disagree on idealism vs. realism, and that is okay. I find myself generally at the middle of realism and idealism because I understand how the world works but I want a better universe; you do not need to pick one or another. I don't know why we need to provide corporations a pass just as they aren't individuals (which Citizens United would disagree with Madden nfl 21 coins but that's another argument.) We shouldn't only accept the best we are given by a company, we ought to anticipate the best we need from these. Companies are made of humans calling the shots and you will find an infinite amount of cases of companies that make enormous profits and endure for good causes. Patagonia is a great example. They do not need to make sustainable products and supply repair and reuse applications to go against fast trend, but they do and they make a lot of money .

"Everybody needs to do the ideal thing" is only naive if you do nothing about it. This instance does not include the numerous grey topics where opinions have a place; this is literally a discussion of if you want black folks to have faith or not. It isn't brave of a business to state that black men and women deserve rights just because they'll lose white supremacist customers. It actually IS very easy for a company to set out a statement of belief similar to this, as we've seen from each of the companies doing so at this time like Amazon and the NFL. I genuinely do not understand how it's hard for a multi-million dollar company to give up a tiny fraction of the gains for the larger good. If people who do not like Black Lives Issue make up a majority of a Organization's customerbase, then maybe they should not have those profits (not claiming EA's playerbase in against BLM, this really is a hyperbolized example)

Why not support them in doing both? Because we have not seen them doing . Back your words up. Sony managed things better than EA by not only having a statement, but going after All Lives Matter supporters in remarks, matching donations by some employees, claiming they'll have more in the coming week, also allegedly forming a studio at San Diego headed by POC developers. They could have either held the announcement until Buy Madden 21 coins they had something to show, or told us what they're planning. At the end of the day if you refuse to acknowledge when a company makes a small step you love then how will they ever learn to make a big step you appreciate?

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