An Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager Collection Mini-Figure

An Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager Collection Mini-Figure

An Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villager Collection Mini-Figure Set has been unveiled and could start shipping on Animal Crossing Items an unspecified date in June 2021.

Bandai Shokugan's Animal Crossing: New Horizons Villager Collection Mini-Figure Set features seven lovely mini-figs; the gathering, offered through Entertainment Earth, is slated to begin shipping this summer time in June. Nintendo launched Animal Crossing: New Horizons at the Switch closing spring to a whole lot acclaim. It arguably couldn't have come at a higher time either, since the pandemic and consequential lockdowns were simply then beginning to take impact on a global scale.

This particular Animal Crossing launch catapulted the Nintendo franchise to the stratosphere. It often felt as if all of us and their mom had some thing to say approximately the unsavory practices of 1 Tom Nook. With 22 million copies of New Horizons offered as of August 2020, it's no marvel buzz approximately the charming simulation name has but to die down. Come this summer season, the hype will likely reach new heights.

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