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For decades now, NFL players have been sporting RFID chips in their own jerseys to capture information about their functionality, and now this has been shared with EA. The developer is using this data to make the in-game personality models and their associated animations look more life-like. "This data, called Next Gen Stats, is fed to Madden 21 coins to induce fluid cartoon selection based on how players actually move while running, cutting, and changing direction on the field creating the most realistic player movement in franchise history," EA said. "Next Gen Player Movement comes to life on both sides of the ball, with elite route runners running their actual paths logged by Next Gen Stats and showcasing volatile first measures and direction changes, while elite defenders will respond more realistically to opposing routes and runs."

Madden 21 on next-gen consoles may also incorporate a new replay system that uses the participant information to show you things such as how quickly in moments the quarterback published the ball or the distance of a completed pass. The idea is that, with these more granular numbers, players can make much better decisions in the future of play-calling. And speaking of play-calling, there's a new play-calling menu in Madden 21 which seems to buy Mut 21 coins prioritize star plays and allows you easily involve them in key plays. The new-gen variations of Madden 21 also boast quicker loading times; EA said gamers can expect to get into games"in seconds," while the developer said environments will load"with unprecedented speed."

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