World of Warcraft has the unique potential to compete for the best in the world

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Do you know? From MOBA to shooting games to mobile games, "Complexity Games" has participated in various e-sports competitions, but this week, the Texas-based e-sports organization started its most unique One of the competing companies: "World of Warcraft". A team of 21 elite players will compete for 12 to 16 hours a day next week, with the goal of defeating the most difficult challenge in the game, Nasria Castle, in front of anyone else in the world.

Through cooperation with the North American guild Limit, Complexity entered the "World's No. 1 Competition" in 2019, which won the latest RWF in February 2020. The marathon is different from e-sports, especially because Complexity not only participated in the competition, but it is broadcasting its own game reports.
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For the previous RWF, "complexity" allowed Limit's entire team to enter its GameStop performance center, where the total of event personnel and competitors exceeded 40. This year, there are still six players competing from the facility, but the COVID-19 safety protocol prevents the same number of field staff and players.

Nevertheless, the Classic WOW Gold organization is still committed to a full coverage plan and will provide support to 21 competitors throughout the competition. As Kyle Bautista, chief operating officer of complexity, thinks this is no small matter. In addition to the main broadcast program organized by Complexity, many contestants will also broadcast live on their own channels during the competition.

For the sake of complexity, "competing for the world's number one" is an interesting part of traditional e-sports competitions and content creation at the same time. This was possible because of the Cheap WOW Classic Gold unbiased approach used by Activision Blizzard in the game. Although World of Warcraft has an official e-sports program, "complexity" has been involved, but the publisher did not restrict or guide the game from the perspective of competition or broadcasting, and did not exceed the scope outlined in the game's terms of service. As a result, "complexity" not only has the opportunity to participate in the competition, but also creates its own broadcast and sells sponsorship for the report.

The industry seems to have responded well to this organically created, community-driven competition. Max "Maximum" Smith, the head of the Limit Limit guild, said in his Twitch live broadcast that his personal ratings have been significantly ahead of the previous game, and at the time of writing, he has not actually played the game. Between RWF, the release of WoW Classic and the general cyclical stimulus generated by the release of new versions, World of Warcraft seems to be at a climax in the 16 years after its release-this is a good choice for the complexity of this adventure .

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