It's like three hours and nothing

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If anything this shows you why they published a broken product. The men and women who buy do not read/care exactly what the internet thinks. Disappointed in the sports community but honestly. . .where else could they go if this is their only alternative? Most of the sports enthusiast do not read reviews before they purchase. A lot of them literally only play that game for Madden 21 coins the whole calendar year. It is the Exact Same for FIFA. A lot use their playstation as basically a FIFA machine. Imagine if Fromsoftware made a half-baked Souls match. The fans would still buy it since it's still a Souls game. Makes sense if you consider it that way. It's like three hours and nothing about it's distinctive from all of the other New Super Mario Bros. games. Yet, I purchased it, and so didn't millions of other players.

Maximum Football 2020 releases later this month. It frankly compares to overdue Xbox/early 360 graphically but it actually has customization and depth unlike Madden. Honstely when your only game in town it is not like anybody has a choice only I am just glad madden did not have to stick around and watch his title butchered. Regrettably Madden & FIFA are games which are review-immune because of combination of licensing / casual market reach. I get the feeling Avengers will fall into this class. The NFL & FIFA respectively don't take enough flak with this. They have to see that their audience isn't happy but do not change to cheap Madden nfl 21 coins non-exclusive licensing anyway. Last year's I ceased playing per month in I'd the EA ace left until yesterday I didn't reup. I didnt like 20 or 21.

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