I said this in the comments

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And that is crucial. FIFA, on the surface of it, adds a few bits and pieces to their version of Franchise every year, but perform for a week and you soon realise that what's been added is really just window-dressing, usually in the form of Mut 21 coins very weak and restricted conversation decision trees with players and agents. Nothing of statistical significance that can clearly impact the game on the pitch is additional. It really seems too late in the day to anticipate anything noteworthy this year and as much as EA are worried the consumer may already have consumed by 2021 so promises will be made for Madden 22 Next Gen.. . Because you absolutely know that Madden 22 Legacy Edition is going to be a roster update and nothing else.

I said this in the comments on Twitter but I will reiterate it . I believe that is the start of the steps in the right direction, and that I think that the are starting to know that mistakes, but until I see improvements, I will stay skeptical. I can appreciate your optimism, but I'm not convinced in them rolling anything out aside from a patch 60+ days post launch with possibly one decent feature added or say v1.5 of this scenario engine, which is not even close to sufficient. They'll give us 10 bullets tips of patch notes rather than 8. I will not buy into buy Madden 21 coins anything before we really see something. This is going to be the year I don't purchase Madden, unless they make some significant changes. What I am afraid will happen is they'll have some ambitious thoughts, rush out it half completed to meet with the deadline, and we will need to wait till Madden 22 to get the"complete" experience.

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