You can now lean even as prone, the NPC AI

You can now lean even as prone, the NPC AI

There's masses else it's new. You can now lean even as prone, the NPC AI and positional audio have both been souped up, and plenty of tweaks had been made to EFT Roubles  the "found in raid" popularity on objects. That's full-size, no longer handiest because it adjustments which equipment satisfies quest conditions, however additionally due to the fact you may now most effective sell gear that you've located on a raid.

My friend Alex tells me that "this makes it tougher for market investors to flip objects and manage supply" at the player-driven flea marketplace. They've additionally delivered captcha safety, which the devs say you will need to struggle through "if there are suspicious movements at the flea market and within the change". Even Fiy acknowledges this sounds worrying.

Deep in a rusting warehouse, in Escape from tarkov roubles  a damaged Russian kingdom, I scope round a nook and stumble across the web site of a massacre. Four, no, five our bodies stretch the duration of the corridor, slumped and discarded. After reeling from the useless I click on into Tarkov mode… Someone in that pile would possibly have a roll of rest room paper!

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